Do I Still Believe Healing is Possible?
Do I Believe?
Coach, Stephen Thomas says,
“I’m lovable while I’m in pain.”
“I’m lovable when I don’t know what to do with my pain.”
“I’m lovable when I don’t know where to go with my pain.”
“I’m lovable while I try to figure out how to respond in a healthy way to my pain.”
“I’m lovable when I succeed.”
“I’m lovable when I fail.”
“I’m lovable enough to go on the journey of learning healthy ways to respond to my pain.”
“I’m lovable enough to be seen and known when I feel weak. I don’t need to hide from myself or others.”
Do you still believe healing is possible?
Abundance is all around me. We have hope and believe that healing is possible.
What is the truth about who you already are?
What is the truth about who you already are?
I am open to Good Gifts. It’s in my best interest to think less like a victim, having felt in the past as undeserving and made wrong or with marks against me. I am already strong, already enough. Already open. That means NOW.
Not tomorrow, when I launch this or surpass that or let go of something. I have total access Now in Spirit.
Help me, Spirit believe and replace the resident thoughts of slavery with freedom, depravity with Amazing Grace once for all and abundance abounds.
I am already at the table and it’s all here in front of me, NOW. Do I believe? When my perceived enemy says or does, do I believe?
Yes. I do believe that I am already enough and you are too.
**The doing is possible when you believe you already are.**
While I can desire, I don’t need other’s agreement, compassion or understanding to believe. I don’t need their respect and I can live a life true to myself Now.
Believe this with me…when I feel disconnected and disrespected. When my parts and my mind remind me with blatant demands!
I honor my parts and connect with the Power Source to lead well first with me and with time, in Self with others.
Christmas is a time that reminds us. Christ invites our Whole Self with all of our parts. There is no need to hide, suppress or present from ego. This is God with us.
Believe with me today.
Before the New Year and we start making promises behaviorally, why not start with our thinking and what we actually believe about ourselves?
Imagine the emergence in you now and into the new year.
The song, “Holy x5” featuring music by Gungor, Israel Houton, and Corey Henry.
“The doing is seen as possible when you believe you already are.”
What is the truth about who you already are?
What have you believed about yourself that is likely holding you back or keeping you feeling bound?
In what ways have you acted out in an attempt to help you cope? We can come to these parts with compassion and gratitude for helping us in times of great need.
What is the truth about who you already are?
What does it feel like to live out of this now?
Do you still believe healing is possible?
Do We Believe?
Josh Neuer is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Greenville, SC. Josh’s Life’s Work is to Create and Capture an Intimate Experience that Makes Room for Hope and Healing. Josh is Passionate about Empowering Meaningful Change in People with Counseling and Growing Communities with Team Engagement and Development. He is the founder of Joshua Neuer, LLC Counseling, a committed husband and father, and is absolutely crazy about relationships!